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Fowler Schools USD 225



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Board of Education

Current Members

President: T.J. Milford 01/01/24-12/31/27

Vice-President:  Travis Sutterfield-01/01/24-12/31/27

Dana Bartezko -01/01/22-12/31/25

Cathy Heinz-01/01/24-12/31/27

 Jeff Zortman-01/01/22-12/31/25

Omar Mijares-01/01/24-12/31/27

Jessica Ackerman-07/01/23-12/31/25


The Board of Education's regular meeting will be held on the second Monday of the Month unless noted otherwise on the agenda.  Meetings are held in the Grade School/District Office.   

Superintendent- Stephen Wiseman swiseman@usd225.org
Clerk- Raquel Saucedo rsaucedo@usd225.org
Deputy Clerk- Corri McDowell cmcdowell@usd225.org


To request an appearance before the board, complete the attached form and return as directed. 

Request to Appear Before the Board