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Fowler Schools USD 225



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November 14, 2016 Board of Education meeting minutes

Unified School District #225

Regular Board Of Education Meeting

High School Library, Monday November 14, 2016 7 p.m.



Call to order:  Mark Bergkamp, President, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Steve Lundeen led a prayer.


Members present:  Mark Bergkamp, Steve Lundeen, Tim Milford, Jamie Boese and Barb Whitney were present.  Others present were Jeff Bollinger, Superintendent, Paula Kay Watson, Board Clerk.


Recognition of Visitors/Communication:  Jeff Green of SafeDefend, Debbie Wise and Janelle Fox


Approve Amended Consent Agenda: Milford moved, seconded by Lundeen to amend the agenda to include new business. Motion carried 5-0.


Approve Consent Agenda: Lundeen moved, seconded by Whitney to approve the minutes and accounts payable as presented.  Motion carried 5-0.


Kat Market joined the meeting at 7:08 p.m.



            Principal:  Mrs. McDowell gave her report

            Economic Development, Jamie Boese, representative, gave her report

            Special Education, Tim Milford, representative, gave his report

            A+ Network, Steve Lundeen, representative, gave his report

            Superintendent: Mr. Bollinger gave his report


Kat Market left the meeting at 7:22 p.m.




SafeDefend:  Jeff Green, CEO of SafeDefend, gave a presentation on their system. No action was taken.


Board Vacancy/Reorganization: Bergkamp moved to nominate Tim Milford for Board President, Whitney seconded. Motion carried 5-0 

            Milford took over the meeting as Board President at this time.

            Milford moved to nominated Barb Whitney as Board Vice-President, seconded by Bergkamp. Motion carried 5-0. Consensus of the Board to leave the representatives as they are currently. Whitney agreed to be the Board delegate for the KASB Conference in Wichita December 2-4, 2016.


Personnel:  Bergkamp moved, Whitney seconded to go into executive session for 35 minutes to include Mr. Bollinger and Mrs. McDowell.  Motion carried 5-0. Time: 7:57 p.m.

            Returned to regular session at 8:32 p.m.

            Lundeen moved to advertise for a Head Track Coach for the 2017 season and Whitney seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

            Whitney moved and seconded by Lundeen to advertise for a Head Football Coach for the 2017 season. Motion carried 5-0.

            A motion was made by Bergkamp and seconded by Whitney to accept the resignation of Lauren Harvey as the Cheer Coach. Motion carried 5-0.

            Bergkamp moved and seconded by Whitney to approve Cheyenne Marrs as the Ag Science teacher for the 2017-2018 school year pending approval by the USDA. Motion carried 5-0.

            Bergkamp moved to replace Julie Jones name on the bank signature cards with Evi McCrary’s and Lundeen seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


Football:  A motion was made by Bergkamp, seconded by Lundeen to bring back Junior High Football to Fowler for the 2017-2018 school year. Motion carried5-0.

            Discussed High School Football for the 2017-2018 school year and Mr. Bollinger would like to have another meeting with the parents.


Property/Liability Insurance:  Whitney moved and Lundeen seconded to go with KERMIP for insurance starting November 2016. Motion carried 5-0.


Kat Market joined the meeting 8:56 p.m.


Wednesday/Sunday Policy:  Discussion was held on the current policy of no practices on Sunday and no late practices on Wednesday. Mr. Bollinger will draw up a policy for the days and present to the Board at a later time. No action was taken.


Copiers:  Bergkamp moved and seconded by Whitney to approve 2 copiers for approxiamatley $19,000 from Southern Office Supply in Liberal Motion carried 5-0.   



Adjournment:  A motion was made by Lundeen, seconded by Milford to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 5-0.  Time:  9:23 p.m.


For The Board of Education


_____________________________________, Board Clerk


_____________________________________, Board President