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Fowler Schools USD 225



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May 19, 2016 special board meeting minutes


Unified School District #225

Special Board Of Education Meeting

Grade School auditorium

Thursday, May 19 2016         8:00 p.m.



Call to order:  Courtney Wilson, president, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Steve Lundeen led a prayer.


Visitors:  Kim Copenhaver,


Members present:   Mark Bergkamp, Richie Dewell, Erica Littlewood, Steve Lundeen, Courtney Wilson and Barbara Whitney were present.  Tim Milford was absent.  Others present were Tom Dolenz, Superintendent, Athletic/Activities director; Corri McDowell, K-12 Principal and Brenda Wenta, Clerk.


Executive session:  Bergkamp moved, Dewell seconded to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed and that the board return to open session in the board room at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried 6-0.  Board Members, Mr. Dolenz, Mrs. McDowell were present.  Time:  8:00.  Mrs. McDowell left the room at 8:06.



            Whitney moved, Dewell seconded to offer a two year, eleven month contract to Corri McDowell for PK-12 Principal.  Motion carried 5-1 (Lundeen).

            Whitney moved, Bergkamp seconded to adopt the resolution to nonrenew the teaching and supplemental contract of Daniel F. Zarzutzki.  Motion carried 6-0.

            Littlewood moved, Dewell seconded to hire Kraig Westhoff as summer weight coach.  Motion carried 6-0.

            Littlewood moved, Bergkamp seconded to offer a supplemental contract for high school cheerleading to Lauren Harvey.  Motion carried 6-0.


Adjournment:  Lundeen moved, Littlewood seconded to adjourn the meeting.


Time:  8:10




